General Supervision

State Performance Plan Indicator 18

The material contained on this page is based on the totality of information provided by the Department of Education and will be reported for the first time in the February 2025 submission of the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR).

Legal Reference

20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)


Indicator 18 focuses on General Supervision under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It measures the effectiveness of the State’s general supervision system in ensuring that identified instances of noncompliance with the IDEA are corrected within a stipulated timeframe.

Data Source and Measurement

Data Source:

The data for this indicator is collected from all components of the State's general supervision system, including:

  • State monitoring
  • State database/data system
  • Dispute resolution systems
  • Fiscal management systems

All findings of noncompliance identified by these sources during the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) are included, regardless of the type and extent of noncompliance.


The performance on this indicator is quantified using the following equation:

Percent = (Number of Findings Corrected on Time (b) / Total Number of Findings (a)) * 100
  • (a) Number of findings of noncompliance issued in FFY 2022 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023)
  • (b) Number of findings of noncompliance verified as corrected no later than one year after notification

Example Calculation

If in FFY 2022, the State issued 150 findings of noncompliance and corrected 145 of these findings within one year, the calculation would be:

Percent = (145 / 150) * 100 = 96.67%


The target compliance rate for Indicator 18 is set at 100%. All findings of noncompliance should ideally be corrected within one year of identification.

Reporting Requirements

States are required to fill out the General Supervision Data Table in the online reporting tool, which includes:

  • Column A: Total number of findings of noncompliance from FFY 2022.
  • Column B: Number of these findings that were timely corrected.

Starting with FFY 2023, reporting will expand to include noncompliance related to compliance indicators 4B, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, as well as any additional findings issued under other compliance indicators.

Future Reporting Considerations

From FFY 2026 onwards, there might be additional requirements to disaggregate findings by results indicators and other specific categories like fiscal and dispute resolution.

Data Mapping Chart: COMING SOON


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Addressing Continuing Noncompliance

If there is noncompliance that has not been corrected:

  • Detailed descriptions of the continuing noncompliance.
  • Actions planned or taken to address these issues.
  • Potential sanctions or enforcement actions consistent with IDEA and state regulations.
