ࡱ>  }!bjbj 4{{ r+++++???8w4?d7M(uuuPr l.!8MdOdOdOdOdOdOdvgjJOd+8"PP8"8"Od++uudd)))8"+u+uMd)8"Md))Vg[u+N?$X(9dzd0dXbj &bjPg[g[bj+i]f!0!")!!df!f!f!OdOd'f!f!f!d8"8"8"8"bjf!f!f!f!f!f!f!f!f! : Changes to TREX Version 4.4 Section 1 Overview Section 2 - Data Elements New Data Elements Pages 2.37. New Data Element FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE Common NameXML NameComplex TypeFHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODEFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator AcademicStatusTypeDefinitionFHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE - Indicates whether a student in grades seven or eight has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and a career that includes information regarding the creation of a high school personal graduation plan under TEC 28.02121, the distinguished level of achievement described by TEC 28.025(b-15), each endorsementSpecial Instructions Data SpecificationsElement IDCode Table IDRequired?Domain of ValuesTE118 (PEIMS: E15xx)TC16 (PEIMS: C088) C088)No Applicable RecordLengthTypePatternStudent Record 1CODED# Section 3: Code Tables Changes to existing code tables Page 3.21. Remove code 3 from the CTE Indicator Code table in the TREx Data Standards, Section 3 Codes documentation. Code 3 remains in the XSD for previous years student records. 3 Participant in Tech Prep program A student in grades 9-12 who follows a state approved Tech Prep high school plan of study leading to postsecondary education and training. The student should have a 4-year secondary plan of study that includes 2 or more career and technical education courses for 3 or more credits. The plan must provide at least one option for articulated and/or concurrent credit at the postsecondary level. Page 3.29 Delete code 29 from the Disciplinary-Action-Code table. 29Truancy Complaint Filed in Truancy Count (includes County Court, Justice of the Peace Court, or Municipal Court)  Page 3.31Delete codes 42, 44 and 45 from the Disciplinary-Action-Reason-Code table. 42 Truancy (failure to attend school) Parent contributing to truancy - TEC 25.093(a) 44 Truancy (failure to attend school) Student is at least 12 years old and less than 19 years old with 10 unexcused absences Texas Family Code 65.003 45 Truancy (failure to attend school) Student failure to enroll in school - TEC 25.085 Page 3.56 Add new AP Course to TC36 Performance Acknowledgment AP IB EXAMS 128 Acknowledgement for AP: Computer Science Principles Page 3.56 Change definition language for codes 1 and 4, addition of code 5 to the TC38, Performance-Acknowledgement-College-Readiness-Assessments code table. 1 -Acknowledgment for PLAN or ASPIRE: College readiness benchmark met on 2 or more of the 4 subject tests 4- Acknowledgment for SAT: Prior to March 2016, combined reading and math score 1250 or higher 5- Acknowledgment for SAT: As of March 2016, scores of at least 410 on reading and 520 on math Page 3.59 Change in definition language for code E and T, virtual deletion of code 2 of the TC19, Special-Explanation-Code table. E A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had no prior instruction (Credit by Exam) (TAC 74.24(c)(1)) T A course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had some prior formal instruction (TAC 74.24(c)(3)). 2 A course that is part of a coherent sequence of career and technical education (CTE) courses. (HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter074/ch074a.html" \l "74.3"19 TAC 74.3(b)(2)(G)) Section 4: XML Standards TREx XSD Data Types and Restrictions New XML elements Page 4.20 Added FHSP-COLLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR-CODE Element Name XML NameData TypeRestrictionFHSP College Career Instruction Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicatorStringThe only acceptable values are listed in Code Table TC16 Maximum length of one character. Optional element.  Changes to existing XML elements Page 4.29 FHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator to the AcademicStatusType complex TREx Complex Types Complex Type NameSequence AcademicStatusTypeGraduationDate SpeechMetDate GraduationDiplomaType CertificateDate TexasGrant DistinguishedAchievements) AdvancedMeasure FHSPParticipantCode FHSPDistingIndicatorCode ArtsEndorsementCode BusinessEndorsementCode MultiStudiesEndorsementCode PublicServicesEndorsementCode STEMEndorsementCode DualCreditType BilingBilitType CollegeAssesType ApIbType) CertLicType IGCGradReview FHSPCollegeCareerInstructionndicator Page 4.34 Added new data elements to TREx XML Schema list TREx Simple Types Common NameSimple NameFHSP College Career Instruction Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator Page 4.36 Added new data elements to TREx Enumerated Values TREx Enumerated Values  Code Table Common NameElement XML Short NameLocationParticipation Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator Student RecordPage 4.39 Added new data elements to TREx Hierarchy of XML Elements Hierarchy of XML Elements AcademicStatus (0 or 1) GraduationDate (0 or 1) SpeechMetDate (0 or 1) GraduationDiplomaType (0 or 1) CertificateDate (0 or 1) TexasGrant (0 or 1) DistinguishedAchievements (0 or 1) AdvancedMeasure (04) FHSPParticipantCode (0 or 1) FHSPDistingIndicatorCode (0 or 1) ArtsEndorsementCode (0 or 1) BusinessEndorsementCode (0 or 1) MultiStudiesEndorsementCode (0 or 1) PublicServicesEndorsementCode (0 or 1) STEMEndorsementCode (0 or 1) DualCreditType (0 n BilingBilitType (0 n) CollegeAssesType (0 n) ApIbType (0 n) CertLicType (0 n) IGCGradReview (0 or 1) FHSPCollegeCareerInstructionndicator (0 or 1) Appendix A: Data Element Lists New Data Elements Page A.8 Added new INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE Data Elements to the Student Record section. Student Record FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicatorYesRequired by TEC if applicable2.37 Page A.20 Added new INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE Data Elements to the Element List in Alphabetic Order section. Element List in Alphabetic Order FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicatorRequired by TEC if applicable2.37 Appendix B: XSD file New XSD file supporting changes to above data elements and code tables. Appendix C: XML Graphic New data elements. added to Graphic file.     2015-2016 TREx DATA STANDARDS CHANGE DOCUMENT Release 4.4 Page  PAGE 3 of  NUMPAGES 6 345OPabckmnst폁seTF8T8ThKOCJOJQJ^JaJhVCJOJQJ^JaJ hdW'hsRCJOJQJ^JaJhph55OJQJ^Jhph5OJQJ^Jhph-35OJQJ^JhphOJQJ^J hph-3CJOJQJ^JaJ#hph-35CJOJQJ^JaJhphscOJQJ^JhC5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hph<\5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hphsc5CJOJQJ^JaJ345OPbc $Ifgdd0 h<^hgd>~T>^>gd>~TgduY n^`ngd-3$p^p`a$gdy p^p`gdsc  ) > ? 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