Post Award Compliance

Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and Education Service Centers (ESCs), including school districts and open-enrollment charter schools, must follow applicable statues, regulations and non-regulatory guidance when utilizing federal and state grant funding. The Post-Award Compliance Unit reviews grant applications to identify compliance issues related to programmatic and budgetary details post-award.聽 If issues of non-compliance are identified, the Post-Award Compliance Unit assists Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Education Service Centers (ESCs) in resolving the issue via an amendment.聽聽

Programmatic and Budgetary Resources

The Grants Administration webpage has in-depth instructions, frequently ask questions, and state-wide training resources related to how to fill out the ESSA Consolidated Federal, Special Education Consolidated Federal, and Perkins applications.

Through the webpage, the Budgeting Costs Guidance Handbook, Programmatic Guidelines, Special and Unusual Cost Forms, and various essential resources can be accessed.

IDEA-B LEA MOE Eligibility Standard and Resources

Eligibility Standard: , to be eligible to receive an IDEA-B grant, each LEA must budget at least the same amount, either in total or per capita, as the amount it expended for services to children with disabilities in the most recent prior year for which information is available and when they were in Maintenance of Effort compliance.

Upcoming Training Opportunities

IDEA-B LEA Maintenance of Effort, BS6016 Random Data Validation- Coming Soon

Post Award Compliance Unit Trainings聽

The resources and trainings below outline specific compliance items that have been identified.聽 In addition, there are examples of how to revise various sections of the different grant applications.